Decorative Snap Bag

This cute snap bag with no raw seams is great to hold all those little sewing items and other miscellany. You will learn to use the decorative stitches in your machine to create a sequence or create your own stitches. You will also learn how to use your yarn foot or trim foot to make colorful trim on the bag as well as using your piping foot to make your own piping. Then put the bag together all lined and beautiful on the inside. The clever snapping enclosure makes opening it so easy.


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Cancellation & Refund Policy

Class, club, and event fees are nonrefundable. You must cancel 72 hours before the first session of the class, club, or event to receive store credit or apply the fee to another class, club or event. However, if the instructor or Montavilla Sewing Centers has to cancel a class, club, or event, you have the option for a store credit or full refund. Students must bring their own machines to all classes, unless otherwise noted. We request that you do not bring children or guests to the classes. Thank you!

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